Monday, April 27, 2009

another note of obsure dysfuntction

i have given in to society (in a baaaaad way)

go figure it out now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joshua - next time you're headed to Seattle, our casa es su casa. Any time you need a place to lay your head, warm meal, etc --we have plenty of room for all. We love your music - keep doing what you do - bringing smiles with the sweet sound of your voice. Just send an Email:
"To Dream is to Live!" :)

Persnickety Prints said...

Yeah, it's sad. Social Networking. Although i haven't checked in on you in awhile, and now your name is everywhere! Can't wait to see you this Sat @ Velour.

Persnickety Prints said...

p.s. One beautiful thing about Twitter is that your fans can hear from YOU, and not your label or manager.
Also, you can paste any URL to your "tweet" (ie, a new video, photo's, lyrics, tour dates, etc.)
You should add a "twit this" button to your site, myspace, blog, etc. & have your friends do your marketing for you! One click & they are twittering to all of their followers about YOU.
Let me know if i should bring my laptop Sat & set ya up:)