Friday, September 5, 2008

Rebirth, a Baptism of thoughts, of heart, of soul, of you, of i.

Putting down this tonight,
for you, for all of us (you)
We love,
we hate,
we need,
we want.
But all of this is without sacrifice.
We will make a sacrifice (whether of heart or soul)
Create meaning (with our sacrificial slay)
If this comes off as:
a) meaningless
b) fruitless
c) hopeless
i apologize...
to you (again) i apologize
For all of this (life, living, meaning, hope, death, fate)
is in our thoughts (you)
I hope that i am able to make sense of this tomorrow morning.
There are times/occurences/experiences
that lead me to this
They all lead me to this
the same sad/silly/hopeless/and often romantic
LOVE/SONG/LIFE (i suppose)

Please consider that in all of it (us, you, and i)
we are made to feel/listen/open/digest.
I am not out of mind (and or body/otherwise)
I am this.
I am this.

I AM!!

with all the gratitudes/hopes that experience (living)
will allow.


Anonymous said...

we're reading...
and waiting, mr. buffalo james.
hope your days are splendid.

Anonymous said...

how's life in YOU-TAW? southern az is gorgeous. funny story.

this morning shopping at sunflower grocery after loading up on free coffee, i nearly trip over a rug (did i mention *pre*-coffee?) to bustle over to my husband proclaiming, "rob! it's joshua james!" for they were playing soul and the sea in the store.

you may be asking yourself, "why does this woman find this noteworthy? big deal."

well, my husband meets my exclamation with the most enormous and beautiful smile on his face - for my t-shirt is covered with coffee. :doh:

you were part of my 'pigpen' moment today. :D